A blog about change and whatever medium I'm currently expressing my creativity through....



And I'm absolutely tickled.

"The "Arte y Pico" award was created and to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and their talents, whether it be writing, artwork in all media's. When you receive this award it is considered a "special honor". Once you have received this award, you are to pass it on to at least 5 others."

Here it is!!

Please visit the site of my co-winner, I Do Things.

I discovered I Do Things' blog via EntreCard, and I'll bet that’s how they found me. There are lots of great blogs out there that I've come across by dropping my Card, so I’m going to nominate some of the blogs I would never have found without EntreCard. So thank you I Do Things and thank you EntreCard.

Etsy BeadWeavers Blog - I love visiting here because it's an endless source of inspiration! You can't go there and not want to bead!

Skwiggazine - Another source of endless "eyecandy" for all types of creative folk. You must check it out!

Forced Green - This blog reminds me to think about what I'm leaving behind for my grandchildren. Lots of creative ways to live greener.

The Grey Yogi - A thoughtful blog that I've been enjoyiing.

Happy Steps - This one inspires me to travel!

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