A blog about change and whatever medium I'm currently expressing my creativity through....


Freestyle Beaded Pendant

SOLD - December 2007

My inspiration for this piece was the coppery yarn I used. I was fooling around with it twisting a length of it in my fingers and then placing it on the navy hand dyed fabric background. This is one of my favourite colour combinations and is a traditional old French combination: brown and blue...in this case copper and navy. When I had the yarn formed in a way that pleased my eye, I selected a palette of seed and bugle beads to use to anchor it to the fabric and just let intuition guide me. In other words, allowing the artiste in me free reign.

The piece had been simmering In my studio for a few weeks while I puzzled over how to finish it. Finally, last evening, I was finally inspired and completed it. The seed bead picot edging was something new I tried and I'm very happy with the result. The necklace portion includes the seed and bugle beads as well as some larger glass beads.

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