A blog about change and whatever medium I'm currently expressing my creativity through....


Ta-Daaaa!! Something Finished!

This necklace has been done for several days...all but for the closure. Finally did it today. I'm pleased with how it turned out. It's got 35 Swarovski crystals in it as well as some dagger beads.


Projects in Progress

There are a few projects in progress. I'm planning to get more of the wicker trays so that I can stack planned projects and have them handy to look at for inspiration. Hopefully, soon I'll get something completed.


Beady Things in the Works

I am taking time to bead (tomorrow I'll get some photos up of work in progress) though I'm not completely unpacked and settled in yet. My upstairs bedroom has been stripped of it's carpet and on Monday I'll pick up the material for my new floor. I'm having fir planks installed and I can hardly wait. It should be in and finished by the end of the month. Two days ago, I had the vents in the house cleaned. What a process that is! Between taking out the carpet one day and the vent cleaning the next, my allergies are really active. But this evening after a cloudy day, the sun broke through as it was setting to provide one more beautiful sunset. As I type this, I can see Venus already...the first "star" in the night sky.

This is just one of a series of photos I took tonight as the sun broke through and sank in the evening sky. More of these photos are here.


There is Progress!

My granddaughter Hazel spent the weekend with me and helped me with getting some work done in the studio. She's highly motivated because when it's all done and organized, we'll be working on projects there together. We put lots of things on shelves and though there will be some reorganizing, at least it's out of boxes. I'm heading back into the room now, to make some more progress.

Got some shelves up in the closet.

I can actually get to the windows now.

No, I don't have too much fabric! Those are all quilting books.

Beading things aren't in the studio yet. They're on the living room coffee table, where I can see them.

It's That Time Again!!

Etsy BeadWeavers March Challenge - Temptation, is open for voting until March 15th. Head over to the EBW Blog, look over the entries and vote for your favourite. It won't be an easy choice! The entries are fabulous! But go see for yourself!

Etsy BeadWeavers March Challenge - Temptation